Special Issue on Reliability Modelling and Assessment of Complex Engineering Systems with Mixed Uncertainty (SI067B)

Submit Paper 禄 Engineering systems are increasingly complex. They need to meet advanced requirements for mission-critical fields with a low failure tolerance. As unexpected failures during the designed lifespan of a system may lead to catastrophic consequences, their reliability modeling and assessment are of utmost importance. The reliability modeling should achieve the assessment at a reasonable confidence level to help decision-makers arrive at sound decisions in practice. However, the modeling and assessment of real engineering systems often face an environment with a mixed uncertainty, due to either the inherent randomness (aleatory uncertainty) or a lack of knowledge (epistemic uncertainty)....

June 8, 2024 路 2 min 路 423 words 路 Torsten Ilsemann

Special Issue on Reliability and Safety Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, and Prognostics of Fuel Cells (SI065B)

Submit Paper 禄 Fuel cells area vital component of renewable energy warranting significant consideration and ever-increasing applications. With the increase in the application of these systems, the need for safety analysis also increases. These systems can fail due to several reasons that can result in economic losses and catastrophes. Increasing the life expectancy of fuel cells is an important aspect that needs substantial attention. Hence, to avoid sudden failures and achieve better life expectancy the discovery, identification, and implementation of enhanced health indicators for effective diagnosis and prognosis is critical....

June 2, 2024 路 3 min 路 428 words 路 Torsten Ilsemann

Special Issue on Uncertainty-Aware Diagnostics and Prognostics for Health Monitoring and Risk Management of Engineered Systems (SI061B)

Submit Paper 禄 In recent decades, fault diagnostics and failure prognostics have demonstrated their great potential for health monitoring and risk management of complex engineering systems, including smart factories, power plants, space systems, and heavy equipment. The credibility and applicability of fault diagnostics and failure prognostics, however, are significantly affected by various uncertainties, such as model uncertainty, data uncertainty, process uncertainty, environmental uncertainty, and the inherent uncertainty of engineered systems....

July 18, 2023 路 3 min 路 460 words 路 Torsten Ilsemann

Special Issue on Probabilistic Digital Twins in Additive Manufacturing (SI060B)

Please find attached the Call for Papers for the Special Issue on Probabilistic Digital Twins in Additive Manufacturing. Click to download the CFP Guest Editors Zequn Wang, Assistant Professor, Michigan Technological University, USA, zequnw@mtu.edu Zhen Hu, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA, zhennhu@umich.edu Moon Seung Ki, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, skmoon@ntu.edu.sg Hong-Zhong Huang, Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China, hzhuang@uestc.edu.cn Qi Zhou, Associate Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, qizhou@hust....

January 15, 2023 路 2 min 路 219 words 路 Torsten Ilsemann

Special Issue on Modeling and Analysis of Inspection Uncertainties in Structural Health Monitoring (SI059B)

Please find attached the Call for Papers for the Special Issue on Modeling and Analysis of Inspection Uncertainties in Structural Health Monitoring. Click to download the CFP Guest Editors Yi Zhang, Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, zhang-yi@tsinghua.edu.cn Chul-Woo Kim, Professor, Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan, kim.chulwoo.5u@kyoto-u.ac.jp Yan-Gang Zhao, Professor, Department of Architecture, Kanagawa University, Japan, zhao@kanagawa-u.ac.jp Pei-Pei Li, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, lipeipei626@gmail....

January 14, 2023 路 2 min 路 214 words 路 Torsten Ilsemann
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