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ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems - Call for Papers

Part A: Civil Engineering, and Part B. Mechanical Engineering

The Editorial Board of the ASCE-ASME Journal invites contributions presenting state-of-the-art research and best practices for addressing risk, disaster and failure-related challenges arising from uncertainty. We particularly welcome emerging research relating to availability and processing of big data, including data driven decision support, machine learning and further computational intelligence tools relating to risk and uncertainty.

How to submit:

Part A:  https://ascelibrary.org/journal/ajrua6

Part B:  http://risk.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/journal.aspx

Please contact the Editor or the Managing Editors by email if you have an interest to guest edit a special collection (Part A) or a special issue (Part B). Both Part A and Part B are listed in the  Emerging Sources Citation Index  by  Clarivate Analytics , formerly Thomson Reuters, with Part A being indexed since 2019. From 2016 onward, all articles are included in  Web of Science  and  Scopus .

Statement on Open Access

The editorial team motivates authors to share their pre-prints and/or accepted versions of their paper via institutional or other repositories, scientific social networks or personal websites in the spirit of Open Science. Please make sure to abide by embargos and other Journal Policies, which can be found  here for  part A  and  here for  part B


Special Collection Announcements

In this issue of Part A Civil Engineering

June 2023 - Volume 9, Issue 2

State-of-the-Art Reviews

What Geotechnical Engineers Want to Know about Reliability Kok-Kwang Phoon

Technical Paper

Optimized Approach toward Identification of Influential Cost Overrun Causes in Construction Industry Iman Youssefi and Tolga Celik

Optimal Matching between Vehicle Speed and Lighting at Intersection Based on Traffic Risk Analysis Hongtao Li, Linhong Wang, Hongyu Hu and Yiming Bie

Shear Performance of Large-Thickness Precast Shear Walls with Cast-in-Place Belts and Grouting Sleeves Linzi Fan, Jialong Wei, Yao Chen, Jian Feng and Pooya Sareh

Comparison of Data-Driven Site Characterization Methods through Benchmarking: Methodological and Application Aspects Takayuki Shuku and Kok Kwang Phoon

Driving Parameter Trends and a Safety Evaluation Method Based on the Composite Ratio for Shield Tunneling in Complex Strata Ning Yang, Xin Jin, Qingke Nie, Xiaoming Guan, Wenjun Zhang and Huifeng Liu

Bayesian Analysis of Benchmark Examples for Data-Driven Site Characterization Antonis Mavritsakis, Timo Schweckendiek, Ana Teixeira, Eleni Smyrniou and Jonathan Nuttall

Evolutionary Game Analysis for the Behaviors of Risk Allocation Participants in Public–Private Partnerships Yan Li

Data-Driven Development of Three-Dimensional Subsurface Models from Sparse Measurements Using Bayesian Compressive Sampling: A Benchmarking Study Borui Lyu, Yue Hu and Yu Wang

Probabilistic Prediction of Trip Travel Time and Its Variability Using Hierarchical Bayesian Learning Sevin Mohammadi, Audrey Olivier and Andrew Smyth

Inverse Unit Load Method for Full-Field Reconstruction of Bending Stiffness in Girder Bridges Run-Zhou You, Ting-Hua Yi, Liang Ren and Hong-Nan Li

The Typhoon Wind Hazard Assessment Considering the Correlation among the Key Random Variables Using the Copula Method Xu Hong, Yupeng Song, Fan Kong and Michael Beer

Identifying Critical Stations Affecting Vulnerability of a Metro Network Considering Passenger Flow and Cascading Failure: Case of Xi’an Metro in China Zhuanglin Ma, Jie Liu, Steven I-Jy Chien, Xuefei Hu and Yiheng Shao

Efficient System Reliability Analysis for Layered Soil Slopes with Multiple Failure Modes Using Sequential Compounding Method Kang Liao, Yiping Wu, Fasheng Miao, Longfei Zhang and Michael Beer

Earthquake-Induced Failure Analysis of High-Rise Steel Buildings under Sequential Long-Duration Ground Motions Yongtao Bai, Shuyan Zheng, Liusheng He, Yuhang Wang and Tao Wang

An Integrated Uncertainty Quantification Framework for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Geetopriyo Roy, Subhrajit Dutta and Satyabrata Choudhury

Case Studies

Employee Survey Identifying Threats and Motivating Factors in the Implementation of ISO 9001 in the Kuwait Oil and Gas Sector Ayedh Almutairi, Timothy L. Eddy, Vipin Wilson and James H. Lambert

Preview of the next issue of Part A Civil Engineering

September 2023 - Volume 9, Issue 3 (in progress)

Technical Papers

Key Contributory Factors Influencing Cycling Safety: Comprehensive Review Based on Accident Data and Literature Survey Zhisen Yang and Zaili Yang

No-Free-Lunch Theorems for Reliability Analysis Mohsen Rashki and Matthias G. R. Faes


Erratum for “Data-Driven Development of Three-Dimensional Subsurface Models from Sparse Measurements Using Bayesian Compressive Sampling: A Benchmarking Study” Borui Lyu, Yue Hu and Yu Wang

Special Collection Announcements

In this issue of Part B Mechanical Engineering

June 2023 - Volume 9, Issue 2

Research Papers

Application of Multi Parameter Path Length Method for Resilience (MP-PLMR) to Engineering Systems Mahendra Prasad, V. Gopika, John Andrews

Establishment of the Off-Center Embedded Crack Stress Intensity Factor Database for Probabilistic Risk Assessment Based on Universal Weight Function Tongge Xu, Shuiting Ding, Huimin Zhou, Guo Li

Network Uncertainty Quantification for Analysis of Multi-Component Systems John Tencer, Edward Rojas, Benjamin B. Schroeder

Probabilistic Validation: Theoretical Foundation and Methodological Platform Ha Bui, Tatsuya Sakurahara, Seyed Reihani, Ernie Kee, Zahra Mohaghegh

Robust Design Optimization of Expensive Stochastic Simulators Under Lack-of-Knowledge Conradus van Mierlo, Augustin Persoons, Matthias G. R. Faes, David Moens

Technical Brief

Mathematical Modeling for Carbon Dioxide Level Within Confined Spaces Lincan Yan, Dave S. Yantek, Cory R. DeGennaro, Rohan D. Fernando

Preview of the next issue of Part B Mechanical Engineering

September 2023 - Volume 9, Issue 3 (in progress)

Research Papers

A Reduced-Order Wiener Path Integral Formalism for Determining the Stochastic Response of Nonlinear Systems With Fractional Derivative Elements Ilias G. Mavromatis, Ioannis A. Kougioumtzoglou

Sequential Ensemble Monte Carlo Sampler for On-Line Bayesian Inference of Time-Varying Parameter in Engineering Applications Adolphus Lye, Luca Marino, Alice Cicirello, Edoardo Patelli

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Managing Editors:


Associate Managing Editors:


Early Career Editorial Board Members:


Contributing Editorial Board Member:


Founding Editor (2014-2021):

  • Bilal M. Ayyub, University of Maryland College Park


Editorial Board members:  Part A  &  Part B

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