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ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems - Call for Papers

Part A: Civil Engineering, and Part B. Mechanical Engineering

The Editorial Board of the ASCE-ASME Journal invites contributions presenting state-of-the-art research and best practices for addressing risk, disaster and failure-related challenges arising from uncertainty. We particularly welcome emerging research relating to availability and processing of big data, including data driven decision support, machine learning and further computational intelligence tools relating to risk and uncertainty.

How to submit:

Part A:

Part B:

Editorial Message


We are proud to receive an Impact Factor of 3.084 for Part A of our journal. Simultaneously, we experience an upward trend for Part B and anticipate a respective reflection in an impact factor in the next cycle. This success is based upon a team effort with high quality contributions by all authors, rigorous reviews, and dedicated management by the editorial team, for which I express my personal appreciation and thanks. A particular feature of our journal related to its success is its dedication to most current challenges in a multi-disciplinary setting. The current Special Section “Probabilistic Approaches for Robust Structural Health Monitoring of Wind Energy Infrastructure”, curated by E. Chatzi and I. Abdallah for Part B, integrates structural analysis with machine learning and data analysis for green energy solutions. Technical papers involve aspects of human behavior, environmental, health and economic aspects, as well as communication and cybersecurity. The editorial on Climate Resilience Technologies for Infrastructure provides a perspective for emerging developments across disciplines as they are needed in the larger context of our grand challenges. We particularly invite contributions and proposals for Special Issues and Special Collections, which address our challenges with emerging multi-disciplinary approaches.

Please contact the Editor or the Managing Editors by email if you have an interest to guest edit a special collection (Part A) or a special issue (Part B).Both Part A and Part B are listed in the  Emerging Sources Citation Index  by  Clarivate Analytics , formerly Thomson Reuters, with Part A being indexed since 2019. From 2016 onward, all articles are included in  Web of Science  and  Scopus .

Statement on Open Access

The editorial team motivates authors to share their pre-prints and/or accepted versions of their paper via institutional or other repositories, scientific social networks or personal websites in the spirit of Open Science. Please make sure to abide by embargos and other Journal Policies, which can be found  here for  part A  and  here for  part B .


Part A Civil Engineering - News

Update your library with the latest reading from the ASCE-ASME JRUES journals:


❖  V8-3: June 2022  (in progress)❖  V8-2: June 2022  (in progress)❖  V8-1: March 2022 ❖  V7-4: December 2021 ❖  V7-3: September 2021 ❖  V7-2: June 2021  ❖  V7-1: March 2021  




Please contact the Editor or Managing Editors by email if you are interested in guest editing a Special Collection (Part A)

Part A - Awards & Recognitions

Editor’s Choice Paper

Time-Series Prediction in Nodal Networks Using Recurrent Neural Networks and a Pairwise-Gated Recurrent Unit Approach , by Yanjie Tong and Iris Tien

Most Read Paper

Climate Impact Risks and Climate Adaptation Engineering for Built Infrastructure,  by Mark G. Stewart and Xiaoli Deng

Most Cited Paper

Scale of Fluctuation for Spatially Varying Soils: Estimation Methods and Values , by Brigid Cami, Sina Javankhoshdel, Kok-Kwang Phoon, and Jianye Ching

Editor’s Choice Collection

For each issue of the journal, the Chief Editor may select a paper to be featured on the journal homepage in the ASCE Library. The paper is available for free to registered users for 1 to 4 months, depending on how frequently the journal is published. A list of Editor’s Choice selections is available  here .

2021 Outstanding Reviewers

André T. Beck ■ Nicholas Chileshe ■ You Dong Ketson ■ Roberto Maximiano dos Santos ■  Ao Du ■ Cheng-Wei Fei ■ Wenping Gong ■ Cao Wang ■ Jie Zhang ■ Wengang Zhang

PART A Best Paper Award

Awarded annually to one paper in Part A appearing in the preceding volume year.

2021 Best Paper Award

Global Decoupling for Structural Reliability-Based Optimal Design Using Improved Differential Evolution and Chaos Control , by Ali Khodam, Pooria Mesbahi, Mohsenali Shayanfar, Bilal M. Ayyub

The awarded papers are made freely available from the ASCE Library for one year to anyone interested once registered and logged in to download. 

Part B Mechanical Engineering - News

Update your library with the latest reading from the ASCE-ASME JRUES journals:


❖  V9-1: March 2023  (in progress) ❖  V8-4: December 2022  (in progress) ❖  V8-3: September 2022  (in progress) ❖  V8-2: June 2022  ❖  V8-1: March 2022  ❖  V7-4: December 2021 ❖  V7-3: September 2021 ❖  V7-2: June 2021  



Please contact the Editor or Managing Editors by email if you are interested in guest editing a Special Section/Issue (Part B).

Call for Papers - Part B

Part B - Awards & Recognitions

Most Read Paper

Improving Site-Dependent Wind Turbine Performance Prediction Accuracy Using Machine Learning , by Sarah Barber, Florian Hammer, Adrian Tica

Most Cited Paper

Structural Life Expectancy of Marine Vessels: Ultimate Strength, Corrosion, Fatigue, Fracture, and Systems , by Bilal M. Ayyub, Karl A. Stambaugh, Timothy A. McAllister, Gilberto F. de Souza, David Web

Featured Article

Resilience Decision-Making for Complex Systems , by Julian Salomon, Matteo Broggi, Sebastian Kruse, Stefan Weber, Michael Beer

Reviewers of the Year 2021

■ Chen Jiang ■ Imad Abdallah

Part B Best Paper Award

Awarded annually to one paper in Part B appearing in the preceding volume year. 

2021 Best paper Award

On the Effect of the Electrical Load on Vibration Energy Harvesting Under Stochastic Resonance , by Panagiotis Alevras

The awarded papers are made freely available from the ASME Digital Collection for one year to anyone interested, once registered and logged in to download. Moreover, ASME offers the authors a one-year free subscription to Part B. The award for the Best Paper published in 2021 in Part A and Part B will be presented to the authors in attendance at the ASME Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis Division (SERAD) award ceremony at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) which will be held during the period October 30-November 3, 2022, Columbus, OH, . The authors who will not be able to attend the ceremony in person will receive the award’s plaque by mail. The ASME Safety Engineering & Risk Analysis Division (SERAD) and the ASCE Infrastructure Resilience Division (IRD) will present the winners for Part A and Part B, respectively, with US$1000 cash award (to be shared among authors), and subsidize the travel of one author up to US$500.



Managing Editors:


Associate Managing Editors:


Contributing Editorial Board Member:

Zhang Dongming, Tongji University,


Editorial Board members:  Part A  &  Part B

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